Friday, February 25, 2011

Istanbul was Constantinople now it's Istanbul not Constantinople…

Turkish delight on a moonlit night? Such a strange but catchy tune…

Still can't believe that this time tomorrow I will be in Istanbul, Turkey (which by the way, in case you didn't know, is an hour ahead of Italy… whole new country, whole new continent (we're flying into the Asia side), and whole new time zone). I have my bag mostly all packed except for the things I need tomorrow and I think I am ready to go! Very excited and a little nervous for this trip but everybody else's excitement (including my mother's) makes the nerves less and less. As I drift into sleep tonight I'm sure I will be thinking about all the new things I am going to see and the new world I am going to enter (a whole new worlddddd… Aladdin?). I can't wait to buy a beautiful head scarf from the market and maybe some spices to cook with (not too hot though!). Maybe also a leather bag/purse for all my "stuff" but probably no turkish rugs (unless I find a magic carpet and the cave of wonders but I think that's in Arabia). Many of us are very excited for an adventure at the Turkish baths and I think I am most excited to see Hagia Sophia as well as the spice market.

Istanbul seems to be the place of new beginnings… as the song says "Istanbul was Constantinople now it's Istanbul not Constantinople…"I am hoping that this trip serves as a refresher for our whole group. We are starting to get at that halfway point and it seems to have started to take a toll on the group as a whole as well as individuals and relationships. There will be a lot to do and see in Istanbul that is new and exciting and while each of us will have our own experiences with each thing the fact that we will all be, as a group, traveling and experiencing together is important. Hopefully this trip can act as a cushion or threshold between the first half of our time abroad and the second, where everyone can release the negative and be reinvigorated with excitement and positivity for this experience and opportunity. We are also fortunate enough to come back from the trip right as our Spring break is beginning. This combination of time off as a large group and then as smaller groups or individuals should be just what the doctor ordered before we all reconvene in Rome to jump into the rest of the semester with both feet.

On that note it is time to say buonanotte perché sono molto stanca e domani ho una giornata molto intensa. (translation: goodnight because I am very tired and have a very busy day tomorrow)

Arrivederci e buonanotte. Ci vediamo in una settimana.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Allora, va bene!

As promised...

Derive Project with Christ Testa and Justin Fosbenner

 Close up top left

 Close up top right

Close up bottom right 

And last but not least...
Project Two

I think that I can say confidently that the jury for project two went fairly well. A couple really good points were made regarding where the highest point of the building should be located based on the plan and my personal objectives for the site. If there were a next part to this project, I would focus on further articulating the materials based on hierarchy of spaces as well as how the materials interacted relating to what was happening in the interior. I would also take into account the discussion of height and work with rotating the glass component so that the highest point faced the street and was positioned over the stage space while lowering the height of the lobby/entrance space to a more human proportion. For spending only a week and a half's time on this project I can honestly say I am content with the work I produced. I think my layout could have been much more successful as well as choice/production of diagrams/drawings for presentation. I think I could have also shown a little bit more in the form of diagrams what I was already beginning to think about/work on in terms of using different materials based on hierarchy and function. Overall, between the quick urban design activities and this project, I learned a lot in our first real exposure to urban planning and enjoyed it immensely.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Countdown to Final Jury #2

The hour is upon us; final jury for the 2nd project of the semester is already here. Sitting next to me is the project ready to be pinned up; complete with toning, labels, and line weights (and the cause of a very sore wrist/hand.) With only one project and two juries left (jury for the first part of the project and then final) the realization that we're half way through the semester is puzzling. I am convinced that time moves quicker here… precious hours spent working on final projects seem to fly by twice as fast as they do in Crough and spring semester, which to my torment seems to always drag on longer than Rochester winters, is moving quicker than summer vacation.
Why is it that time really does fly when you're having fun and that all good things must come to an end (and always sooner than you think they should)? So as I prepare for today's jury one thing remains on my mind; time. Normally I daydream about fast-forwarding to the end of the jury, bypassing the long hours of critique (which always seems personal and negative when you're on very little sleep and presenting your work to be judged subjectively) and skipping to the celebrated or even disheartening end to the jury, a nice comfy bed and a good meal. This time, however, I'm not going to wish for the end of the jury but rather remain thankful to be sitting in our studio building in Rome, allowing time to move at a slow pace and not wishing for the time to be gone sooner than I truly wish it to be.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Se non è vero, è ben trovato. (Even if it's not true, it makes a good story)

So it's been about two weeks since we returned from our Northern Italy trip and even though I still have not finished my complete narrative of the trip, I am pressing onward with a new post. It's crazy to think that in a week we're going to be going on yet another trip, this time to Istanbul, Turkey. It sometimes feels like we just got back from our first trip and yet we're already preparing for our second therefore I figured this was a good time to recap what has been happening since we returned from the north.

Of course the weekend we returned from the trip was extremely low-key consisting of mostly laundry, sleeping, and relaxing. I'm pretty sure everyone was very happy to be back in Rome, off our feet, and in a constant location. Even with a couple days of rest, nobody ignored the need to be productive - we still had to finish our blogs by Thursday February 10th and then hand in our sketchbooks and present our Derive on the 15th. We also received our new studio project which is due the Wednesday before we leave for Turkey. So needless to say nobody is without something to do or work on and there is no time to be bored (or reason considering we're in ITALY!). As stressful as this all may sound to some of the people reading this, it surprisingly isn't. Sketchbooks, while I wish I had had much more time to work on and refine my drawings, are very relaxing and enjoyable. When you're being graded on them, and aren't necessarily "gifted" at drawing, it can be a little worrisome and stressful but the task itself is freeing and one seems to improve with every new drawing, every new line, constantly learning and experiencing. Working consistently in a sketchbook has helped to change the way I look at and think about architecture. It's a whole new approach to the physical world when you are translating it into a two-dimensional medium.

Every aspect of this trip has the potential to "shake things up" or cause oneself to question everything that was once considered typical or right; even class structure. When you think of college classes I'm sure the first thing that comes to mind is a large lecture hall with close to a hundred students scattered throughout the seats as far from the front as possible; some taking diligent notes, a few catching up on sleep, and others texting or passing notes while a professor commands the class from the front with a series of slides or notes written on the blackboard. Maybe not the most affective settings for learning but, none-the-less, it happens to be the norm…
Now imagine 20 college students, studying in a foreign city, whose lesson plan for the day is to literally get lost in the city... That is what learning is like when you are studying architecture in Rome. A city with more history in its streets than can fit within the pages of a single history book.

For our Field Sketching project, we were split into groups, given a location in Rome, and told to "get lost." That location was to serve as a starting point for a journey we were asked to take around Rome (eventually making our way back to Campo de'Fiori). The assignment entitled "Dérive," a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiences of repulsion and attraction… In other words? Let the city guide you. Start at the point and get lost. We completed our journeys prior to our trip up north and presented them this past week. It was really interesting to see everyone's finished project and how much they differed or how their paths were perceived and then presented. My group consisted of Christopher Testa and Justin Fosbenner… will have pictures of our project up later.

The week after the trip to the north seemed to take full advantage of being back in Rome and seeing the wonderful architecture that existed so close to our home…
We started off the week of classes as we typically do with history/theory where our classroom exists in Rome's streets. We spent the day retracing the boundaries and development of Campus Martius over the periods of Rome. We started at our very own studio building at Campo de'Fiori where the Theater of Pompeii was located (and partially remains). We passed many sites or remains of structures including the Baths of Agrippa, Pantheon, Mausoleum of Augustus, Ara Pacis museum which now encases the altar that was part of Augustus' sundial (which as also a part of Campus Martius), and the stadium who's foundations form Piazza Navona.

The Majesty of the Pantheon

Tuesday after Italian class we all met at Piazza del Popolo to catch the tram that dropped us between Parco della Musica and Zaha Hadid's MAXXI (Museo Nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo). It was surreal actually being at Parco della Musica because I remember going through the slides about it during history with such clarity. During that lecture it never, ever crossed my mind that I would actually set foot there… it didn't even connect for me where I was until we exited out of the first and smallest of the auditoriums and I found myself greeted with a view of the other two larger auditoriums. It was at that moment everything came flooding back to me; I remembered hearing about how the angles at which the auditoriums were placed had to be changed because of the discovery of very early ruins, I remembered hearing about what a feat it was to complete a new auditorium in Rome, and I remembered initially looking at the slides and thinking that the auditoriums looked like horseshoe crabs (same impression upon actually seeing them in person). Our professor Marina was our tour guide at Parco della Musica because, conveniently, she is their actual tour guide for english groups. Photos were not allowed in the auditorium halls but it was marvelous; it is clear where Renzo Piano is trying to push past the traditional approach to venue, theater, and acoustical design. While he does not entirely succeed in all of the halls, his moves have been adapted and refined elsewhere to be more successful. The spaces he created at Parco della Musica are, in my opinion, impressive, innovative, and beautiful. Not only were the interior spaces absolutely beautiful and elegant but they were a musicians dream acoustically. The best experience of the visit was when I stood by the stage in the largest hall and sang for my peers sitting up in the higher levels. It was probably more comedic than enjoyable listening considering I ad-libbed "Part of Your World" from Little Mermaid to be about Renzo Piano and architecture, but still, the memory was amazing. For those who know me well know it would be my dream come true to perform on a stage so grand but since I gave up opera and classical and musical theater for architecture, standing next to a stage singing disney tunes to test out the acoustics is still pretty awesome. An opportunity, a memory not many people can say they've had.

The most beautiful horseshoe crab ever

After leaving the Parco della Musica, we walked to the nearby MAXXI but since most of the exhibits were closed we decided to return another day. We were still able to admire the exterior and look at what was originally planned by Zaha Hadid for the site and then entered the interior for a quick cafe break.

MAXXI Exterior

MAXXI Interior

 As a little bonus, on Wednesday we met bright and early as a group to go on a guided tour to the Vatican Museum. There was an overwhelming amount to see in the museum itself that we could've spent a whole day there rather than just a few hours. Art collections from many of the different Popes were on display; many commissioned pieces for the Popes by very famous artists including Rafael and Michelangelo or acquired pieces from other centuries, places, and many from throughout ancient Rome itself. We finished the tour of the museum at the Sistine Chapel where we stood in silent awe at the paintings by Michelangelo on the ceiling and his"Last Judgement" painting on the wall behind the altar. Michelangelo's paintings seemed to be framed by frescos of other famous Renaissance artists. The places where Rafael's elaborate tapestries once hung are now painted in the illusionist style to mimic the present of tapestries while the tapestries themselves hang in a room for display, protected by glass cases and dim lighting. To exit the museum we purposefully made our way to the very famous and beautiful spiral staircase (not exactly a staircase throughout, becomes more of a ramp); while not exactly efficient, or probably at times safe, the staircase is a beautiful piece of design from all angles.

View from the Top

View while Descending

View from the Bottom looking up
The week commenced as usual with Italian and Studio on Thursday and then Friday off. The weekend consisted of working in studio on our Derive projects and sketchbooks which were due Tuesday. Monday we visited San Clemente for history along with a couple other basilicas/churches. Thursday morning, however, all of us were up bright and early (around 5-6am) in order to get ready and make the long trek to the immigration office to get fingerprinted as part of the legal process of our stay. It was an interesting adventure to say the least but all went well and we all have to go to the police station in Trastevere in about 40 days to pick up the documentation or whatever it is...

My mother asked me a while ago via Skype, what is the best thing I have seen or what is something that I think is a must see? My response to her was everything. Rome is unlike any city in the United States, filled with a bunch of unimpressive or mundane buildings and sparkled with a few really impressive pieces of architecture. While historical references exist in many cities there is very little left that reminds you. The current and the modern of Rome, on the other hand, is strongly tied to the history of the periods before. This is referred to as "Inglobbare" which doesn't have a direct translation to english but it is about the spirit of the place, identity and belonging, doing more than just incorporating history. Everything that is newly built still connects back, identifies, or reflects what historically existed before it. This is very important to Romans; people (politicians specifically) used to memorize speeches based on an imagined journey through a building or place… If the environment in which their journey took place changed then the tool for memorization no longer works. The journey was a fixed root and the city became"a city of collective memory." "Walking through memories reinforces sense of identity"… this is how architecture and planning in Rome is approached.

In the past, being away from home for long amounts of time made me very sad or homesick. While I do of course miss my family and friends, for the first time I do not yearn to return to the physical place that is home… country, state, or town. There is so much beauty in the place I am now and there is so much that is different and good. I have only been here for a short time but I know, looking ahead, that the adjustments that I am going to have to make upon returning back to the States is going to be harder than the adjustments I have had to make here. We are leaving for Turkey on Saturday which will be a life changing adventure and then shortly after I am flying with my two best friends to Trapani in southern Italy and then to Malta to spend part of spring break. For both these trips I am extremely excited as well as nervous. It seems as though there is so much to do and see but the time continues to fly by so fast. There are so many opportunities that are presented that seemed at one time completely out of the realm of possibilities or never even crossed my mind. Who I am and my perception of the world is changing with every day I'm here. I am so grateful for this trip, more than I can begin to explain... 

Found this quote and thought it was very amusing so figured I would share it...
"Belladonna, n.: In Italian a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison. A striking example of the essential identity of the two tongues." Ambrose Bierce, American writer and journalist (1842-1914)

Monday, February 7, 2011

"To good food, great company, extreme sketching, and catching trains"

Well, well… where do I begin? Last Friday morning began a wild and exciting journey throughout Northern Italy that seemed to never end. While the trip was full of once in a lifetime moments, beautiful sites, and countless adventures it was also quite exhausting and at times overwhelming. Reflecting on the trip now I can honestly say I am very thankful for the opportunity and will remember it forever. Here is a recap of CUAbroad Rome 2011 trip to Northern Italy (unfortunately, words cannot even begin to describe the time we had this past week).

Day 1: Firenze
Friday morning we were up bright and early to start our journey; we all met in Largo Argentina at 8:00 to catch our bus to Roma Termini to catch our train to Firenze (affectionately known as Florence). We arrived in Firenze around 11:00 and, after a short walk to our hotel from the train station, were able to drop off our luggage before beginning our exploration of the city. Our first stop was Santa Maria Novella to admire and explore the geometry of the facade and to do some sketching (frozen fingers and all).

Santa Maria Novella

Next stop was the long awaited Santa Maria del Fiore (aka the Duomo). Using the dome of Brunelleschi's brilliant mind as our beacon, as our guide, the approach to the Duomo seemed surreal; and then we were there.

The Approach

Santa Maria del Fiore

Standing in front of one of the most famous (and probably CUArch's most studied) piece of architecture/engineering in the world. But wait… it gets better. We then had the exhausting, yet awing, experience of climbing 463 steps up to the TOP. [Might I add that these steps varied. There were spiral steps, there were straight steps, there were extremely steep steps (verging on ladders) sometimes one kind of step met another type of step - aka spiral into straight which resulting in me falling on my face - but I'm pretty sure not one set of steps was actually 7:11 ratio. Just saying.]

Spiral Staircase of DEATH and claustrophobia
(and get me the heck out of here)

The climb was invigorating and exhausting but from the moment you climb out of the structure, step foot on the roof platform, and into the bright skies every step, the loss of breath, and burning legs are worth it (even the endless moments in the narrow spiral staircases of death and claustrophobia… which was horrible). But we all emerged into the bright sunshine (and turbulent-force winds) and if our breath wasn't taken away from the climb it was certainly taken away once we were able to look around at the view before us and out, over the city that lay beneath (463 steps beneath).

So happy to have survived the climb

 Doesn't get much more beautiful than this

 All the girls

 Katie, Kelly, and I being carried away by the wind

 Trying to stay grounded
 (our hair on the other hand…)

Move 463 steps down to our next destination and arrive in Piazza Signoria and Loggia della Signoria.

 Palazzo Vecchio e Quartieri Monumentali

Loggia della Signoria

Pass through the Corridoio di Vasari and pause at the water, look right and admire the bridge that is a road (or road that is a bridge??) Ponte Vecchio. [Also admire the numerous love locks placed along the chains between the ballards]

 Corridoio di Vasari

Love locked down?

End the day strolling around the Uffici Gallery, admiring such pieces as the Birth of Venus, followed by a quick rejuvenation at the hotel.  Then it's group dinner at Trattoria Bordino for some famous Florentine steaks. [Absolutely delicious, however, our restaurant's version of medium seemed much more med-rare (or even rare, I think I heard Kelly's moo) and I am so thankful it was pretty dim lit or else I'm not sure I would've even tried it. Mom, you would've loved it.]

Day 2: Firenze
The morning of day two started with a visit to San Lorenzo, both the old and new sacristy, which was right outside our door. We spent time sketching in the new sacristy and in the interior of the basilica. Afterwards, we traversed through the city and eventually came to the Galleria dell'Accademia which houses the original of Michelangelo's statue of David. After much awing and admiration of the David and other exhibits in the museum we moved onto the last destination. The day with the class ended at Piazza della Santissima Annunziata and the Ospedale degli innocenti. We were given the rest of the day to continue to explore the city, enjoy florence cuisine, and, of course, shop. Most of us left the city with leather jackets, bags, or other trinkets. I, myself, bought a leather jacket, four euro cut off gloves that become mittens (good for sketching), and some five euro sunglasses (giraffe print). On a somewhat side note, apparently many people in Italy think that I have blue eyes instead of green because throughout this trip I kept getting complements on my blue eyes or suggestion of things to match them… So there you go dad, you did get a blue eyed child!.. in Italy's opinion :) oh and I apparently have dimples as well… not.

Day 3: Venezia
Day 3 started with an early train ride to Venezia. After moving into our rooms we took a Vaporetto ride to take us half way to San Marco where we passed Ca d'Oro and underneath the Rialto bridge. Once we hit dry land we "derived" the rest of our way to San Marco. Unfortunately we were not able to make it into Basilica di San Marco when we got there so instead a few of us went to mass since it was Sunday (though I didn't understand most of the homily) while the rest of the group grabbed lunch and walked around. Upon reconvening we went and visited Querini Stampalia Scarpa where we stopped for a while to sketch in the museum and then warmed up with tea.
After tea it was time to head back to San Marco for a visit to the interior. Luckily, those of us who went to mass were able to see the church lit up which is a totally different experience. When we went in as a group, all the lights weren't on so we weren't able to see the mosaics sparkle and all the details of the church. When we were finished in the Basilica we moved out to the piazza and talked about the existing architecture and how the piazza was developed by the three different architects in three different periods.
To finish the day as a group we once again traversed the city all the way to the point where we took a couple group pictures and admired the islands of Venice around us.

 Rialto Bridge

 Rialto Bridge in the afternoon

Loggetta in Piazza San Marco



At the Point

*****(Will finish writing when I have more time)******

Day 4: Venezia 

Pink and green street lamps? My kind of city

Day 5: Verona

Baco Populare
(Architect: Scarpa)

Statue of Juliet under her balcony
(Setting of Romeo and Juliet fictional)

Statue in one of the piazzas

Castelvecchio Museum

Jojo sketching in the tower's courtyard

Day 6: Vicenza

View of Vill Rotunda from the road

View from the entrance

Sketching at Villa Rotunda
Photo by Eric Jenkins 

Photo by Kelly Corcoran 

Theatro Olimpicio by Palladio
Photo by Kelly Corcoran

Day 7: Milano

Interior of the Duomo in Milano

On the first level of the roof

Another photo on the roof

The Galleria
Triumphal Arch?

Piazza del Duomo and exterior of the Dumono

Day 8: Milano
Milano Architecture Tour
Renzo Piano

Trespassing on private school property

More trespassing; Murano Glass display

Photo by Kelly Corcoran

Kelly excited to get back on the tour bus 

 So colorful

While the past 8 days were fun filled, adventurous, memorable, and life changing, I can truly say I am quite happy to be back in R(h)ome sweet R(h)ome. Although… I definitely didn't miss the cold showers and ant powder...